Tinaroo Sailing Club

Boat Storage

Boat Storage

From year to year continuing members must apply by 1 March  or you may be asked to remove your boat.

The club has limited boat storage facilities. There is usually a waiting list for boat storage and members should ensure they have private boat storage arrangements for their boats.

Boat storage is not guaranteed from year to year and must be renewed annually.

From time to time, when new boat storage becomes available at the club, priority will be given to members who race their boats on a regular basis having regard to their years of membership and service to the club.

Boats are stored at member's own risk and a boat storage agreement must be entered into annually with the club.

All extra items of rigging and equipment should be clearly marked with the boat's name and stored on or in the boat.

The club does not provide inside storage for sailboards, or trailers.

We have opened a new section and trailer sailor members are able to apply for storage.

You are not allowed to store your boat on the grounds outside the boat storage facilities without committee approval. These boats will be placed outside the Club yard if this happens.

Storage can be accessed on a yearly or casual basis :-

Yearly Storage - From 1 March to last day in February.


Casual Storage - On a week by week basis.

Storage Location

Yearly (incl GST)

Casual (incl GST)

Clubhouse in upright racks - O'pen Skiff with  trolley



Compound Shed – Lasers / RS100's



Compound Yard -


Lasers or similar




Boats under 5m(under 12sq m)



Boats over 5m or more than 12 sqm of total boat



Trailer Sailor - new section available Available on application to committee  

All applications or enquiries for boat storage must de directed to our boat storage registrar, tinaroosc.storage@gmail.com

Applications for casual or yearly storage must be made on the boat storage application form and applicants agree to abide by the boat storage agreement.

Applications are below.

If you are unable to access these forms. Please email the club on info@tinaroosailing club.com.au.

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