Duty Sailor / Officer of the Day's (OOD) Role
The Duty Sailor/Officer Of the Day (OOD) is responsible for ensuring the club and its facilities are prepared for the race day events, and organised and ready to render assistance to sailors once racing. Providing you are organised, your day can be fun. Being OOD can be enjoyable but don’t lose track of your responsibilities.
It is not possible for the OOD to compete on the day but average points are awarded to you for the races missed. It is the responsibility of the rostered Duty Sailor/Officer Of the Day to swap with another member if they are unavailable on their rostered day. Please ensure you confirm with the other sailor what day you will be replacing. It is your duty to do so. Refer to the Calendar.
To be an Officer Of the Day, the Management Committee has found you to be a suitably experienced and a responsible club member and, although fun, your responsibilities should not be taken lightly. An induction will carried out by the Commodore as a requirement of the Safety Management System for Safety Vessels.
You should be familiar with Tinaroo Sailing Club’s:
- Safety Managment System for Safety Vessels (downloadable file below and QR link on safety boats)
- Operation's Manual
- Risk Management Plan
- Safety Management Plan
- Emergency Action Plan.
These documents are located in the jail.
As OOD you will be using either the Grey RIB, Blue RIB or the Yellow boat as the safety boat.
There should always be 2 people on the safety boat, one of whom is suitably qualified to drive. You will need to organize another volunteer to accompany you on the boat as you may be required to assist people in the water in an emergency.
No matter who is driving, the OOD is in charge of the safety boat’s movements and monitoring all racing participants on the water.
You should also be at the ready to assist the Club training group in the morning.
To help you through the day, the following is a list of jobs. You may delegate these to someone who wants to lend a helping hand or (most often) you’ll find other members are giving you a head start. But remember you are ultimately responsible for ensuring they are done.
Early Morning
- Put up the shade sail on the deck (this requires help).
- Put out wheelie bins near tap, under the tree beside the deck. Ensure they are clean, with bin liners (under the sink in kitchen).
- Sweep (or blow) out the clubhouse and ensure that it is ready for the day’s events.
- Ensure the fuel tanks in the Grey RIB safety boat, Blue RIB and spare containers are full. This MUST be PREMIUM UNLEADED fuel available (on account) at the Kairi Store.
- Before launching the Grey RIB, ensure the one rear bung is firmly screwed in, check the boat for sufficient life jackets, fire extinguisher, tool kit, first aid kit and the VHF marine radio is in communication with Starter’s Box on Channel 13.
- Seek assistance to put the orange inflatable covers over buoys.
- Ensure that the starting lights and horn are in place in the starter's box.
- Assist the kitchen co-ordinator ensuring the bbq and food are ready for lunch.
During racing
Ultimately, you should be on board the safety boat to monitor the race progress. To this end, it is your responsibility to:
- Co-ordinate with the starter's box during the race.
- Assist the starter throughout the start. Ideally, by monitoring the pin end of the start line.
- Ensure there are two (2) people in the rescue boat when the boat is on duty. Ensure the safey kill cord is attached to the driver and life jackets are worn.
- Co-ordinate the movements of all rescue boats to ensure a smooth start and monitor the safety of all competitors, giving priority to capsizes and sailors in distress.
- Be ready and prepared to enter the water to render assistance. If you are concerned about your ability to render assistance on the water, you must ensure someone else in the safety boat is prepared and able to assist in an emergency.
- Ensure that all competitors are within close proximity of the race course.
- Ensure radio communications between all safety boats and the starter’s box at all times.
- Ensure that any incident or emergency is reported to the Commodore.
In the event of an emergency:
- The OOD will assess the situation and if necessary call for outside assistance.
- If an injury is suffered by a child, the OOD should attempt to contact the child’s parents or next of kin, or delegate a competent person to do so.
- Injured persons should be brought ashore by safety boat if possible for treatment. Once ashore, do not hesitate to call 000 if in any doubt about the seriousness of an injury.
- If you determine that the seriousness of the injury requires you to remain on shore with the injured, ensure the racing fleet remains under supervision and with adequate safety cover.
- Notify the Commodore for further assistance, and make a decision whether to abandon the day’s activities.
If an ambulance is called, the OOD shall:
Act as the on-scene controller by liaising with a First Aid Certified member until directed by a paramedic to cease that function;
- Provide support for the Commodore; and
- Direct all media enquiries to the Commodore.
After racing
- Remove the orange inflatable covers from the buoys.
- Ensure canopy and aerial are down before reversing Grey RIB into shed for storage. Ensure put away clean and tidy and power isolation switch is off.
- Assist to shift the starting lights box back into the jail.
- Roll the shade sail back up.
- Put out wheelie bins outside the gates for rubbish collection.
- Hose out and tidy the showers and toilets.
- Secure all the clubs property before departure.
It is the responsibility of the rostered Duty Sailor/Officer Of the Day to swap with another member if they are unavailable on their rostered day. Please ensure you confirm with the other sailor what day you will be replacing. Please inform the Commodore of any changes and also email the secretary info@tinaroosailingclub.com.au. Refer to the club calendar for the OOD roster.
updated: 09/2023